We value local produce


At Dyvig Badeho​tel we have 2 restaurants – Dyvig Brasserie and our Gourmet restaurant Amstrup&Vigen

DYVIG Brasserie is our maritime restaurant with Danish and French traditional courses including caviar, shellfish, roasted lemon sole and dry-aged steaks. 

DYVIG Brasserie is the winner of the award "Brasserie of the Year" in 2019 from "Den Danske Spiseguide"​

DYVIG Brasserie is open daily for lunch from 11.30 – 16.00 and for dinner 17.30 – 21.30. From 1st of April to 1st of October – if the whether allows it – Dyvig Brasserie will be located at our lovely Dyvig Terrace, only 1 meter from the oceanside. 

Restaurant Amstrup&Vigen is our gourmet restaurant with the amazing and iconic blue color merely few meters from the waterside. 

In Restaurant Amstrup&Vigen we always value local produce and it is in our honor to emphasize the best taste in our courses. for us the most important part is the taste, very well complemented by the look, colors and scents combined for the perfect meal. 

Restaurant Amstrup&Vigen is open daily from 18.30 and with the latest order at 21.30.

Pamper yourself with a gourmet stay at Dyvig Badehotel. 

Book your table now on +45 7316 4300.

We are always ready to help.

Dyvig Brasserie ***

Winner of the award "Brasserie of the Year" in 2019 from "Den Danske Spiseguide"​

In the brasserie we serve classic Danish dishes. The menu includes delights such as the ‘stjerneskud’ open sandwich, fried plaice and dry-aged steaks.

Gourmet restaurant
​Amstrup & Vigen

Our highly recommended Gourmet Restaurant “Amstrup & Vigen”

In the gourmet restaurant we serve Nordic and French cuisine in the top of the Danish culinary scene. 

Dyvig Badehotels wine list

Winner of the award "Winelist of the Year" in 2017 & 2019 from "Den Danske Spiseguide"

Have a look at our extensive Winelist.

We offer a wide range of vintage Champagne, excellent white wines and ​the best red wines in the world. 

Dyvig Terrace

Dyvig Terrasse is Denmark's equivalent to the Gold Coast, when the Danish sun allows it. Here you will find peace, tranquility, and only the sound of the sea and the good life.​

Experience Dyvig Badehotel on social media​